Adviser to the Prime Minister Engineer on Political and Public Affairs Amir Muqam on Saturday said PML-N believes in practical work rather than tall claims and promises.
Addressing a ceremony after the formal inauguration of the Thakot Alai Transmission Line and PESCO office in Thakot and Re-conducting Thakot Chakesar Feeder, he said upgradation of the Thakot grid station and work on the transmission line from Alai Khore Power House to Thakot grade has been formally started thus fulfilling the long-standing demand of the people.
Amir Muqam further said that the motorway was a gift of Nawaz Sharif for the people of Hazara and, similarly the upgradation of the Thakot grid station from 3300 KVA to 132000KV and the transmission line from Alai Khor Power House to Thakot grid station was also done by PML-N.
The advisor said that it was a longstanding demand of the people which was fulfilled, and everyone should know that PML-N does not believe in making tall claims, but in performance and practical work.
Maqam said that whether it was earthquakes, floods, or terrorism, PML-N supported the people of the entire province and Battagram in the hour of difficulty. He further said that the people of Battagram should also leave their support for Imran Khan and cooperate with the PML-N.
The PM aide said Imran Niazi’s politics is all lies, and he destroyed the economy and development process of the country initiated by Nawaz Sharif.
Former Members of Assembly Nawabzada Wali Muhammad, Muhammad Rashad Khan, Niaz Muhammad Khan, Tehsil Chairman Chakisar Bakht Alam Khan, District President Mahajareen Khan, Tahir Khan, and others also spoke on the occasion.